Getting started is easier said than done. How do you choose an interesting topic while meeting the requirements? We've compiled a list of topics to get you started.
(This is only a suggested list of topics. Your mentors and instructor can help you brainstorm additional topics of interest.)
Monroe’s Policy Speech
Attendance Policies
Change school start times
Downsize schools/classrooms
Dress codes
Different Types of Taxes (such as “sin” and vehicle)
Emergency Procedures
Federal government and Education
Financial assistance for students
High school service learning programs
Improving the active learning curve in education
Maintaining discipline on college campuses
Merit pay for teachers
Privacy Policies
Requirement of school physical education
Schools should teach both creationism and evolutionism theories
School uniforms
Teachers and tenure
College Tuition
Visitation rules at your university/college
Adoptees Right-to-Know Law
Affirmative action
Agricultural Policy
Agricultural subsidies damage African nations
Should you judge people by their appearance?
Climate change policies
Crime Prevention
Defend budget priorities
Defense Policy
Domestic Violence Drug Policy
Drug testing in the workplace
Economic Growth/Development
Election Reform
Eminent Domain
Foreign agenda for the United Nations
Freedom of Expression/Freedom of Speech
Flood victims' Reform
Foreign Policy
Gambling age should be lowered
Gambling Policies
Global Warming Laws
Health Care Policy and Administration
Identification Protocols
Immigration Laws and/or Regulations
Internet Regulation
Pornography may be found on the internet
Language Policy
Legalize prostitution
National Tobacco Settlement
Net Neutrality
Obstruction of justice laws
Parliamentary terms should be limited
The Patriot Act
Pension Reform
Prisoners' Reform
Skateboarding Policies
Social Security Reform
Taxation of the super rich
Tax Reform
Technical loopholes in law
Teen Dating Violence Laws
Trying children as adults
U.S Policy toward Cuba
VA demerit point system (driving)
Voting system (electoral college)
Voter registration and absentee ballot
Welfare Reform
Whistleblower procedure
Art censorship
Animal Welfare
Animal Rights
Birth contraception should be freely prescribed in drugstores
Break periods
Censorship of Music
Equal Employment Opportunities
Expanding Oil and Gas drilling
Harassment Precautions
Job discrimination based on hair color/style
The number of women promoted should not be artificial
Our constitution protects hate speech
Organ Transplants
Pornography on the internet
Police Brutality
Political organizations should be forbidden at campuses
Racism and Racial Slurs
Recycling helps against the greenhouse effect
Recycling rules
Religion and Law
Save Wildlife
Sensor policy on the use of the internet
Sex education should be the parents' responsibilities
Sexist images of women should be banned
Smokers should be treated like drug addicts
Smoking and Non-Smoking Areas
Texting and driving should be penalized
What should be the minimum age for the voter?
Women in the military
Work Hours
Aggregate Productivity
Client complaints
Conflict of Interest
Company Policy on computer usage
Controlling transportation fairs
Hygiene Standards
Medical examination
Photo policies
Sticking to the scheduled work hours and no two-hour lunches
Technological Change
Videotaping in the workplace
Should teachers and students be friends on social networks?
Should students be permitted to eat during classes?
Why classes in school should only be 45 minutes long
Why travel is beneficial to education
Teachers should be paid more
Why we should save the birds
Why whales should not be hunted for food.
Should female students be allowed to play on male sports teams?
Why college students should be careful about what they put on social media.
Should the spelling bee be on ESPN?